Poems drafted by female escorts in Bangalore are not ghostwritten. They are crafted by the pretty women in Bangalore Who have poured their outbursts on this website on the topic of Poems drafted by female escorts in Bangalore.
The bitch in myself – Poems by an escort
“Female escorts in Bangalore exist on debauched men who seek to quench their lust in orifices of a moll.”
Gfe Bangalore
The bitch in myself.
I am a bitch with bones and harmonies.
That’s what I am.
Within the rhymes of these paragraphs.
The space between the lines of prose.
Within the gap in the middle of heartbeats.
The sounds in the silence.
And in the peace in the storm.
I lie in the form of a fragment of sand lying on the ground.
Within the depths of my brightness and beyond the heights of your reach
I am the swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything you preach.
Nor I am the means, nor the end.
I did not arrive. I never commend.
The more you’ll know me as a hustler, the more you ll know that you are not getting to know me better but getting to know me less.
And the more you get to know me as a Hooker, the bigger will be the mess.
I don’t know who I am.
But I‘ll never be someone you get to keep down deep.
I am just a dream, after all, come and find me when you go back to sleep.
Poems drafted by Veteran escort
Poems drafted by female escorts in Bangalore
The slut in myself
I am a slut living to lust a man.
I write to pour myself before this world my anguish.
Beyond the sand and far-off gloom.
There was a space where we did not cease.
My soul now carries an incomplete tale
Like an eye of the storm longing for peace
We lie unnoticed in the archives
Without any traces of us in the glory
For love beyond the loveless can’t survive
Cause once upon a time; you just loved me in a story.
You have left me thirsty in an ocean of unending quests.
And your love filled my glass to the brim.
Yet now my restlessness lies in the rest.
Drowning in silence with nowhere to swim.
I am now a reseller of love and lust, and I barter sex for a living.

Ifsoever, you feel like connecting with me. WhatsApp me to get to the real me Phone: +91 8095650014