Job as a Female Escort in Bangalore is my bread and butter now.
When I started my job as a private companion as a female escort less than a year ago, I had so many misconceptions about the world of escorting. Most of what I thought or should I say thought I knew to be true is what society has coined to be true of the world. Besides, I like people everywhere believe to be accurate. Thought it to be the gospel.

The images that society paints. The moral standards implied is wrong, indecent, humiliating to women, and degrading. Only the lowest of women would sell themselves. Besides, not to mention the classification or should I say DE-classification of women socially, morally, physically, emotionally and spiritually by the society of the ladies that escort.
I find it rather amusing, especially now, how society takes it upon itself to judge the women, the men, the agency owners and the clients of this profession. I could write on that as a separate entity.
My venture as an escort
For today I would like to share with anyone who is reading my journey into the world of escorting. Otherwise, beautiful people, I have met along the way in my job as a female escort in Bangalore so far.

How has it helped me grow as a person?
Maybe it will give you insight into the world. That is not what painted. At least the part of the planet that I am living. Perhaps it may change your perspectives, and beliefs on the escorting world.
First, let me tell you about me. I am a female, a mother, and a college graduate. Besides, I have a Master’s degree in the healthcare profession and hold a full-time job in the community in which I live. I am also a member of my local Rotary Club in Indra Nagar. Oh! And I appreciate and listen to classical Hindi music as I write this I am listening to Lata Mangeshkar, and it still gives me chills.
To look at me, I am just as healthy as you, your sister, your aunt, your best friend, your child’s teacher, your doctor, and the receptionist. The lady you see every day or any other female you know and consider the norm. Do I look like a female escort?

Is the Job as an Escort a good option?
Well now, that is a good question because that too is another topic for a separate entry. Because it flows with the stereotypical image of this world. A place painted by society. Most of the time, female escorts are portrayed as streetwalkers.
The typical picture is that of the mini-skirt-clad, high-heeled babe leaning over the window of a car on the street in Brigade Road. In turn, the typical judgment of drug abuse and alcohol. Perhaps homelessness and the pimp that abuses them. Nevertheless, Now, I know this part of the world does exist, and it saddens me.
Real quick though: Do I look like that? I judge those women? Not. And NO ONE should. My favourite quote and how I live my life is according to the quote. However, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I would be the LAST person anyone would think was a professional companion / female escort.
Rewards in my Job as an escort
Honestly, I will let you in on a secret I love it! It is the most self-rewarding and fulfilling job I have had well next to being a Mom, of course! I like to think about the job of a female escort in Bangalore as a craft. A hobby, an art that gets perfected every time I meet with someone!
Similarly, my Job as a female escort in Bangalore brings me to the fun part of my awards in my job as a female escort in Bangalore let me call it.
Why it is so rewarding is the way made up of two parts:
One part: My growth and me
Part two: The agency that I work for ( Bangalore Girlfriends experience ), the man that owns the agency and the clientele that it services.
The agency I work as a female escort in Bangalore has become a guiding light for the women who work there and for me. I have grown more personally and spiritually in the time working for Dreams than I have in my lifetime. Likewise, I have met men and women who have contributed to my growth in ways I could have only imagined. How? You ask.
Well, you see there is a misconception out there that people use this service for one thing and that is SO NOT TRUE!
Let me put one to bed right now (sorry lousy use of words ). Besides, the client, I have spent intimate time just listening to many gentlemen talk about their lives and provided them with an outlet to speak, I know. I know men, talk, in the same sentence. LOL but yes talk! And do they even? And I Love IT! Why? Because they need it and it makes me feel good that I can be there for them.
Recompenses in my Job as an Escort
They talk about things that their significant other has probably heard a thousand times. However, to them, it is reminiscent of their younger days and yes less complicated times.
I respond naturally, just like their women did the first time they heard it! But for them, it is all about the thrill. The excitement of having some attention! Let us face it Ladies we are all guilty of being wrapped to tight with life is a string of stressors and for us, it is not easy to put the sink full of dishes, the pile of bills, the dentist appointment.
Out of our minds for an hour, let alone spend some time with our men without staring at the ceiling wondering Shoot. Did I remember to call the Reliance JIO? The phone company and make that late payment? How many times has it even slipped out of our mouths? Or you have been caught staring into space and accused of not also being there.
Heck, I have heard men say the whole house has to be clean not just the dishes and the moon and stars have to be aligned just right. Ah well, I am guilty of that one in the past as I said I am growing past a lot of my bs.
Men can nine out of ten times put just about anything out of their minds to get down to business with their woman. Enjoy themselves and hours later wonder what they stressed out about lol.
Please do feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Whatsapp me at + 91 8095650014