Easy money as an Independent high-class escort girl
Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore are the only goddess of women catering to the elite patrons in Bangalore city.
Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore are classy and fabulous companions with style and grace to accompany the deserving debonair.
Freedom and escorting are the most cosmopolitan items under the sun.

I desperately want to elaborate on my endless struggle to find peace within as an Independent High-class escort girl in Bangalore city.
The only thing worse than escorting is leaving, getting out, realizing the effects it has had on you and your spirit. Starting to heal the damage, and then with a twist of bad fate that I have become all too familiar with, having to go back in. It’s almost an indescribable feeling of suck. I know better, I dread working as an
Independent High-class escort girl in Bangalore and I can’t even pull it off as I did once. Once you have to face it and stop lying to yourself about the easy money – once you truly own up to what this escort industry is and then turn around and go back to it, well I can’t expect to be able to pull it off like I once could.

Fake in life as an escort
Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore work with love and devotion paddled with piousness in our line of work catering our patrons with all the grace and civility a connoisseur and debonair merits.
Gfe Bangalore
Being fake and lying and counting on this money to keep us safe, and hating everyone In my path. I am literally the definition of miserable. I started with my concern Bangalore Girl Friend Experience as an Independent High-class escort girl in Bangalore and then having to let meet new people which so dangerous. I’m so aware of every danger now however I am used to it.
Now every part of me feels the overwhelming fear with each new face and I am no longer the numb carefree girl I once was, and it sucks and I can’t deal with the men at all. I do it, and because I am obviously a good faker, but my mind is so aware of how wrong this is. I feel bad for myself, for the wives they keep telling me all about, for all the ones out there just like me.
Mind games with Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore
I have clients because I make them feel a connection. It’s my job as an independent high-class escort girl in Bangalore and I make them feel such a connection with me and I play the game, but there have been a few now that don’t understand the rules of the game, and when it ends, and have gotten mad that I won’t have dinner out with them, or go on trips, or answer their calls on my personal time.
I have made a shitload of bad decisions in my life
I’m still here and I’m doing my small part in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience. So I am at peace with where I am today- regrets do no good. I still managed to be in the escort industry, and I think my karma was rewarded the good choice with so many doors opening. Anything is possible and your choices are unlimited.
Escorting takes on and feeds on the fears, but if you can get through it and find other ways to manage, you all start to realize how shitty of a choice it is as I am used to believing in my dreams and love, but I can’t feel anything anymore and I think even God forgot about me.
As I can’t even fake happiness enough to pull off a date anymore. I am taking it all, wallowing in sadness while the month slips away and hating every man I have ever met, The men we are working with are no better.
The jerks in life
Of course, there are the jerks we all have to deal with, but even the top of the line clients who spoil you with money and kindness are asking the impossible of you at the same time.
They are asking that we lavish them with affection, pretend we adore them and make their fantasies come true during our visits.
Make it warm and loving and really get into it to quote some of the men. Then walk away. It’s business- turn emotions on, do it well, and then turn them off. And we do. Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore get paid handsomely because it works perfectly for the men.
But women are different and we feel, that what makes us so incredible- and so as much as it is business at the same time it isn’t. We are rewarded for messing with our own feelings.
Escorts are amazing, beautiful, everything he desires… Until he leaves to go home to his wife- then we are just the Bangalore escort.
We go from one end of the spectrum to the other- the most sought after beauty, to the low life prostitute. All for doing the same exact job. No matter how well we do our job, the end result is still a stigma in society.

I being an Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore enshrine and cherish the best of my dates with my clients with the worst of the nightmares with my patrons haunting me in the nights
Gfe Bangalore™

The angst of Independent high-class escort girls
I want to discuss the effects that escorting has on my personality. Isolation, fear, trauma, and we can’t talk about our work as a Bangalore escorts.
We cant seek comfort from family and friends after a bad date as we can’t put on our resume how well we manage this Escorting business. We are hidden.
Even at the height of our work as an Independent high-class escort girl in Bangalore, we can’t share a sense of pride in doing our Escorting job well.
We learn that men cheat a lot and we try to have relationships where we have to hide our past. We lie to our families with a sense of shame, but also with a weird sense of pride for having our own sinful Money and pretty good lifestyle in Bangalore city. It’s such a complex topic, I think I could ramble on here forever, and some women might disagree- but a lot more have agreed and just communicate with someone about how this job as Bangalore escorts affects them. And so I will continue writing here in my official site of ours Bangalore Girl Friend Experience and anyone is free to contact us at [email protected].
The Blot of being an Independent high-class escort girls
The effects are hidden. The guilt-shame-stigma that comes from working as a Bangalore Escort. If your lucky and do it long enough you become hardened- I am friends with all my team in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience who have been in this escorting industry in Bangalore far too long and at this point, they just don’t care anymore.
I think its a mixture of self-hatred and fierce independent pride if you can understand how weird that might sound. People call me angry a lot because I dare to speak up and tell the other side of escorting, and obviously, the men don’t like that very much. It ruins the fantasy. But I am not angry, although it may seem like it from some of my writings in here at my site,
I am passionate about- women’s safety and self-respect. I am very, very kind to everyone I meet, and I work in a position where my attitude is everything, and I do well. But then again I am a professional Bangalore escort so I am really good at faking it.
I am an angry lazy spoilt lady in life
You call me angry, lazy, spoiled, playing the victim, a man-hater, and so forth. I could invest a large chunk of my time defending myself to you-explaining each and everyone and the reasoning behind them- but honestly, I do not feel the need.
I would just feel silly giving you the satisfaction, and No matter how right I may or may not be- you are not going to let anyone ruin the image of your favourite provider.
To you she enjoys her time with you, looks forward to it, and the money is just an agreement. (Excuse me while I laugh again) Nothing will ruin the illusion for you- because you would not want to know. It would certainly dampen the experience for you… and we just can’t have a risk on having that because in my team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience we always believe and worship our clients as GOD!!!.
Bangalore Girl Friend Experience it sounds somewhat magical doesn’t it? Girlfriend experience and my girly brain envision hugs and flowers and a genuinely warm feeling.
A daily chorus in the life of independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore
Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore do have a daily chorus of rebuttal, antagonism, haggling, abasement, compliance with our clients as our daily routine as it keeps coming the same way every dawning day in the same ascending order
Reality check. For those of you who don’t yet know or understand completely what Bangalore Girl Friend Experience is all about.
Chocolate coat or chocolate mask the escort experience.
It means that even though you are entering a business deal as an escort/client- this should be like an experience you would have with someone who was your girlfriend.
It assumes two people can meet and within a matter of minutes act (and working girls know exactly what I mean by “act”) like there are some chemistry and level of comfort between the two of you. as it is also a guide for unsafe practices: kissing, you name it- haha but its all part of the “girlfriend experience” . Give me a break.
We women at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience knowing that it is what most men want, and so we deliver. I think if you need a Bangalore escort, for whatever reasons, the #1 priority for you should be your safety and self-respect.
I wish all of us in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience team to provide the GFE and make it be what it is- a business arrangement.
Be nice, sweet, sexy- whatever we do at our best, I am still amazed we Bangalore Girl Friend Experience team women offer- even compete- for these services.
The review board ratings for Gfe Bangalore
A popular review board of escort Services has a system where Bangalore Girl Friend Experience rating goes above 9 out of 10. Are faithful men nothing more than a fantasy we see in old movies and fairy tales? What has happened in our society that men have lost the ability to sleep with only one woman?
I know women cheat too for those ready to jump up and say “It’s not just the men” but I have worked in the escort industry, and given that there is not a male escort demand. that I am remotely aware of I would say that this prevails as a man’s issue with cheating.
I am now working in this Escort industry but still mainly dealing with men. Men who tell me over and over how they love their wives.
They could not live without them and they are their best friends, soul mates, etc – It’s so nice and heartwarming to hear at first- but there is a catch.
Cursed in the insight of a man’s mind
They cheat anyway. And then they ask. Hitting on me directly after you have confessed your love for your wife is never a good idea, but usually, it is my repeat customers that I have built a level of friendship with that will ask me out. Without even seeming to notice how disturbed this is- they ask. And I smile and politely decline in order to not lose the business, but it really does make me realize that even when not in the industry I am still cursed with the insight into the man’s mind. Of course, working as a call girl/escort/entertainer will leave you jaded, but it is sadder to leave the industry and realize that it is not just one group of “hobbyist’s” that cheat. It
No wonder this is the worlds oldest profession, and it’s not going away. It’s just getting worse, so out in the open that monogamy is now odd. It’s sad- because women will never change either, and we will all still hope that our man is not like that.SO which is better? Realizing that men will cheat no matter how much they love their wives- which is the better option? An escort that is a business deal or a friend/lover? I’ll let you decide- This is such a complex subject for me because I hated escorting, I hate women being exploited or getting caught in the industry-Maybe in 5 yrs ill start to worry, but I do plan on having started a business by then- but it takes time, and money- so until then…. here in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience entertaining you.
My combat in my job as an independent high-class escort girl in Bangalore
Folks. I won’t elaborate on my endless struggle to find peace within– Going back after being out Going back into the Escorting industry is going to be a lot harder than I thought! Never mind the tons of other things that go along with it, but my initial experience is that I can no longer pretend to put up with men and I used to be able to smile and nod and be cute, and I have found that now I just can’t do it. I can’t stand listening to them justify cheating on their wives, or demanding this or that on their time… its total crap what we put up with.
I haven’t even begun again because I can’t get past the initial contacts. Maybe I am mad at myself and it reflects towards them, or maybe I am just 7 years wiser and can’t put up with men’s shit anymore. I hate fake conversations and pretending to care about me and what I want… And as much as I am dying to be sexual again.
I am holding onto the thread of hope
My life is completely different now. Not for the better or for the worse, just different. I am devastated, but I am holding onto the thread of hope I have in my concern Bangalore Girl Friend Experience that has so often pulled me through this crap as an Independent High-class escort girl in Bangalore and I know I will get better. For now, I have nothing. The money I had saved so far is just about gone, I don’t have any savings, it’s not pretty.
As of now I am working full time as an Independent High-class escort girl in Bangalore in my concern Bangalore Girl Friend Experience and praying that the job goes well, but I have already begun to plan to transition back into the escorting industry in Bangalore.
I know it the wrong choice for me
Lately, I am also beginning to realize I make a lot of bad choices, and although there might be other options for me, I can’t see them right now. All I can see is my money is almost gone, my car about to be repossessed, and my phone shut off.
Honestly, I am not spending, not splurging. Working fit as hard as I can, but it’s not enough. I can’t live like this without Money. Is it really that wrong to go make a few thousand to get us on our feet again? Maybe, but I don’t think so… I would rather not, but the choice of doing nothing doesn’t make much sense to me either and I went from having everything, to having nothing, and I have to get us back to on track. I have hit “rock-bottom” but I am guessing it can’t get much worse than this. For me, a lot is emotional too. Honestly, if I am positive and happy then I can think my way out of these situations, but I am just not there anymore.
Acrimony being an Independent high-class escort girls

I am back to Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore in my dear old concern Bangalore Girl Friend Experience, of course, I am completely out of money and there is no choice.
A million thoughts had raced through my head every day- the doubting, the hurt, the anger, ” That was said perfectly for me. Maybe thatï is all that comes of it, a daily choice whether or not to return.
Lately, I have been thinking a lot more lately about what I deserve, not just what I will put up with- if that makes sense to anyone.
I am realizing clearly that in life, I do not stand up for what I really want, and deserve, and hopefully, with practice, Mostly I will start as I will sit here in my house in Koramangala and imagine an old call or going out on a new fake not escorting gig- and it will slowly get dark around me and eventually,
I do not feel gratified of myself for escorting.
With honesty, I will admit I am not going anywhere and go put my nightdress on around 10 pm. And I will feel like a huge failure. Rather, I do not feel proud of myself for escorting,
Fatefully I feel like I lost out on an opportunity in my life, I seriously ponder whether or not I am legally insane.
Nothing I have ever done has haunted me like this. It’s such a temptation that it takes over my rational thinking.
It lures me into a fantasy world of money that I live in this world of escorting, only to have my emotions emerge broke and pissed off.
This sucks. Maybe if I had friends to go out with and pass the time, or if my boyfriend liked going out with me, but I just sit here.
All dressed up and nowhere to go. I can’t take the burden of being broke and I can’t take having any life, never leaving this house unless its to return with groceries.
It was not all fun to be doing what I was doing.
As I used to party all night long, in the best 5-star hotels, the cities hottest clubs. Now I can’t stay awake past 11 because I am so mad at myself. I remember it as fun and I have to remind myself that even though it was exciting, and I was out- it was not all fun to be doing what I was doing.
The only good thing was the money. And I wonder if that is what my issue is- or if I won the lottery tomorrow would escort still have such a pull on me? I do think about that- if I was rich would it then be the excitement, the power, the game? Would I crave the different men and their stories? I doubt that one.
Lately, I have been playing a very dangerous game with myself. I have been coming up with new ideas on how to make money.
Real money here in Bangalore where I was escorting, not the extra part-time night job money, And please don’t flame that remark, most women will understand that…I guess that is why I haven’t written too much on the subject lately.
I am a horrible liar, and I do not want to risk anyone reading something positive about escorting from me. Even if I never know, I do not want someone to come here and read something I have written and choose to be Independent high-class escort girls in Bangalore.
Optimistic being an Independent high-class escort girl in Bangalore
I want to continue to stress that its not the right choice, even when I myself struggle with no choice to go back as I guess more importantly Its been over 2 years now and I am still making it in escorting, and I hope to continue.
More so, I hope that someday it’s not a choice for me as I want to get to the point where it is out of the question, whatever my circumstances.
Aspire to become one of those strong women
Aspire to become one of those strong women in Bangalore city who are better entrepreneurs of their own, who shudder at the thought, who believe in themselves, and would never, ever consider selling their temples.
Craving to be that strong woman entrepreneur someday, not someone with no respect for myself who contemplates selling herself to make ends meet.
Keeps me wonder how much longer it will take. What do I need to do to get there? Is it even possible?. And this year my home loans are pushing me so hard to escort. I am fighting myself every day and just go back to the big money.
It’s the money, definitely. But I also think it’s emotional. The stress, the sadness in us that makes it easy for us to slip back into that mindset of “I might as well be an escort” Feeling bad makes escorting seem like a rational choice.
Is it because I hate myself and feel that I fit in with the escorting world.
I have been wondering lately where to draw the line when it comes to working in the “escort” industry. I was just wondering what everyone else thought, where do you draw the line?
If you do and If you are me – are you afraid it would be too easy to put a FULL STOP to escorting?
I wish everyone the best- the escorts in my team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experiences, the ones debating, the angry wives, and the men.
We are all in this together in some weird way.
Do only WhatsApp me only at Phone: +91 8095650014 to be connected.