“My journey as an Independent female escort in Bangalore is a roller coaster story of up-down. My inner self the only console for my success in my endeavour as a slut in this world.”
Gfe Bangalore
Independent female escort in Bangalore doing a heavenly assignment of lusting.the lascivious starved men. As a result shielding, the righteous women preyed.
The advent of events in my life had led myself to adjudge in bartering lust. To move forward in life instead to dispute virtuous living. Accordingly, I preferred to violate celibate and chaste living.
For the most part of my life, the law of the jungle applied in my life with fitness to survive in this world. A world where caring and genuine love ceased to exist. I armoured myself with bravery and courage to take men one by one as they come lecherously to lust on me.
Subsequently, men pounded me in dozens. I am never a loser here. Especially I collect in this game with the winning edge being myself in the long run. I take myself to be a seller of lust and love.
The habitual hobby of mongering an escort
Rebellious tribe of women pursuing a job as Independent Female Escorts in Bangalore
Briefly, brought up in a lovely family with strong values of living a virtuous life in chastity. Nevertheless, I had never thought in the worst of my dreams of living a life of a hustler. However, dawn doomed on me to pursue the life of bartering love and lust. Thereby I had no options rather than to pick it and move forward with my life.
The initial days of being an Independent female escort in Bangalore were painful. Nevertheless, the man took me for granted and never cared a damn for my feelings. I slowly started to get the grip of the game and took control of my man instead of him having the wheels I took the steering and took control of the whole drive.
Independent female escort in Bangalore Never considered humane
Moreover, I started to learn the game by mistakes and not commit mistakes any more. Thereon, I found caring is least bothered here in this escorting trade as sluts used as toys in the hands of man.
Incidentally, women in escorting trade never considered humane. Nevertheless, paid to do a service and deserved to play the role of being a slut all over our lives. All our emotions and aspirations have never been a point of consideration for any.

However, I am 4 years old now in being a hooker. Therefore I am cognizant of the fact of living an outcast in this society trading with the same men who had been a judiciary in accusing us.
For all the newcomers in this field of escorting, I am a veteran in this business. In summary, I can offer my assistance by penning my thoughts here in our site Gfe Bangalore. That would be a guide to all who are new in this. I am fine as well for a personal talk if that may help. I am available through this site for any newcomers aspiring to be an Independent female escort in Bangalore who may need a conversation before plunging into this.
Ifsoever, feel like connecting. Text WhatsApp to get to the real Phone: +91 8095650014