Escorting girls in Bangalore is a very lonely way to live.

There is a thorn in roses, and there is a pain in every woman pursuing a career as an escort girl in Bangalore in Gfe Bangalore.
Gfe Bangalore
Escort girls in Bangalore are an excellent choice to live a life queen-size. Men do surround us, but none knows you and no one cares about you.
An Escort girl in Bangalore loses their family and friends. We either shock them into leaving us if they find out. We get caught up in our world of secrets and lies that we slowly block people out until we realize we are alone. Maybe not physically, but alone.
It is futile to impersonate love or imitate love in its purest form as we escort girls in Bangalore pursuing a job at Gfe Bangalore have been successful in our line of work of bartering love as an expensive product than sex.
An Angry Bird as an Escort
I can’t tell anyone what we do for work ( escort girl in Bangalore ) and can’t talk about our day, our clients, and I can’t share funny or scary stories with anyone, and I can’t sit down with our families and talk about how this all makes us feel.
I end up Isolated, and there may be people around us, but it is different now because we can’t open ourselves up to them anymore. We can’t be ourselves because we are doing something that no one wants to talk about as we can’t be ourselves with our clients either. We have to perform a job, and that job is to be sweet and sexy and utterly focused on him. No one wants an angry escort girl in Bangalore, or one crying because her boyfriend beat her up.
Even after leaving the business as an escort girl in Bangalore, they are our secrets to keep. Our memories, our stories, that we can’t share with people we care about a lot.
It’s loneliness. It makes you be on guard and cautious. Regular conversations, and get-togethers, become tricky. Lying gets hard, and always having to hide the truth is more complicated.
I get so many WhatsApp messages to my number # (+91) 9036650572. Messages are from an experienced female escort. They do force me to tell my story. To get something off their chest. To feel the relief of having been able to talk to someone.
I love that they can write to me. And it breaks my heart because I know how hard it is to live that way.
It takes a lot of strength to leave escorting in being an escort girl in Bangalore because of financial reasons. A lot.
Accolades in being an escort, Of course, the main difference is the money
“Regular” work means knowing that you will work every day, all day, for less than what you would make in a few hours escorting. There’s just no getting around it. Escort girls in Bangalore earn more than lawyers, doctors, and most middle class.
I still struggle with it.
Why? It’s not greed, it’s because I know I can pull off being an escort girl in Bangalore, and I choose not to. In doing so, I will continue to be in debt, and my children will not have a college fund, It’s not that I want to retire by age 35, it’s that I wish for the stability and security that came from making vast amounts of money. I want my children to have what they would have if their fathers helped me. And that is not an option for working a regular job.
Yes, I know it is the right thing to do. Does it make it any easier to know that? Hell no.
The other issue is one that many working girls have related to me via WhatsApp. We seem to give off some vibe. Maybe it’s in our heads, but I don’t think it is. There is tension with the other women. Is it jealousy? Is it that we know we are hiding something and therefore seem guarded/bitchy to the normal women? I don’t know.
Then there are the guys. The guys are gawking over you, always staring- like we give off some sex vibe without knowing it. Is it guilt? Does it know how much we could be charging them and they sense the possibility? Again, I don’t know what it is, but we as a group feel awkward going back into standard lines of work.
There is Shame, resentment, hurt, and pain in my Job as an escort girl in Bangalore.
Maybe it is the aftermath of the job of being an escort girl in Bangalore. The guilt, the secrecy, the shame. We have such a wall up that it wouldn’t be possible to be ourselves with our co-workers. “What did you do before coming here?” Ummmm I sold myself.
- “Why do you want to work here as an Escort girl in Bangalore” I don’t,
- But is it the right thing to do?
- “What skills do you think you would bring to this job as an Escort girl in Bangalore.”
- You don’t want me to answer that.
And then there is the time. I am so used to doing whatever I want all day. I worked when I wanted and had so much free time. Now my days are accounted for and calculated. Scheduled, Wake up get there on time, work until dark, pick up the kids, try to make dinner and say hi to them before bed, clean the house, throw in some laundry, pay some bills. I feel like a robot, just doing what I need to do day after day with no joy. I guess this is what real life is like, but after being an escort girl in Bangalore, it’s tough to adjust.
There is always the thought in the back of my head that I should just quit this job as an escort girl in Bangalore, I can go out once a week and earn the same amount. I miss the time I had with my kids as I miss being outside in the sun and I miss you all as I miss the days that I feel like I was a better mother than as a high-class female escort in Bangalore – how crazy is that?
Now the Delight in being an Escorts girl in Bangalore

Escorts girls in Bangalore aspire to be in the dreams of her patrons and to have the most intimate of romance for the hired time.
Gfe Bangalore
But I wasn’t. I always had to hide and lie. And now I can be honest and proud of what I do as a high-end female escort in Bangalore. I don’t have to like it; I have to do it. Kind of like escorting, but without all of the dangers of being out there.
Is it worth it? Yes, it is. It is hard, and some days I want to quit my job as a high-class female escort in Bangalore, but it is worth it. I am safe, and I only have sex with the person I love, and only when I want to. I know I’ll never be like the other women at the office, but maybe someday I won’t feel so alien around them.
Porn in the eyes of an Escorts girls in Bangalore in Bangalore.
Look in the eyes of the lady acting in Porn.
It’s everywhere, it’s a HUGE business. And I never really thought about it until I stopped escorting.
I never minded porn, if my boyfriend wanted to watch it, okay. I never liked the hardcore stuff, but the regular movies could be a turn-on.
Then I became an escort girl in Bangalore. And sex became a job. And then I could no longer imagine that the people in the porn industry enjoyed their jobs. I couldn’t pretend the people on the screen cared about each other.
I’ve also begun to ruin porn for my current boyfriend, So I have to make myself stop talking when he watches. It is because there is something still cute about his innocence. He is getting turned on by watching it. I don’t want to ruin that for him.
Porn sucks once you see the reality scenes behind it !!
Watching porn does nothing for me now. If anything, it pisses me off. Now I notice the women’s faces. I used to say to my boyfriend, look at her face, she is not enjoying that- it is fake. Or – Look, she is in pain, look at her face. Maybe that’s the problem, and guys don’t look at the women’s faces. Having been there, I can see it. The empty looks at the camera. The painful winces that flash by. The slight look of resentment towards the men, towards each other.
It opens your eyes to things most people don’t see or choose to ignore.
I know why the women are there. They need the money. Now it is out there to be regretted and for the world to see. I can’t stand the movies that don’t use protection. It is so unsafe, and just so disrespectful to the women. The facial scenes make me extra sick. I feel so bad for those women: so many different people, so many risks involved.
Porn is a horror movie for an escort to watch
The fake noises, the false expressions, the weird positions women squished into for the sake of some man on a couch at home. The multiple men at one time, the backdoor thing- it’s not fun, it hurts. I have never done either, but I can tell you it hurts. It is all so sad to me now to watch it done to someone else. I am now beginning to address the torture videos out there.
Porn used to be fun to watch, but now all I can think is I wish that guy would hurry up so she can do it. I know that is what the woman on the screen is feeling as well. Please hurry up.
The next time you watch an xxx movie, watch her face. Tell me if you see it now or not.
Breast augmentation for an Escorts girls in Bangalore
Someone explain men to me, please! You would think I would get it by now- and I understand men a lot more now than I did before-
Why-why-why. What is it with the teen thing?
What is the obsession with sex? I love sex- would I go after a teen boy? WTF -Would I jeopardize a relationship by cheating? Nope – Would I risk STDs and all that other good stuff- no.
What is it? Is it the naughty aspect? – Is it not getting caught? Or is it watching their faces/bodies while they are in the act? Or Do they feel powerful the more women they have, the younger they are?
Escorting makes you relate to sex drive and empty relationships. The desire aspects, but what drives the recklessness?
I have always been adamantly opposed to fake breasts.
Frankly, I had several friends who had gotten them done. Honestly, I could never understand why you would want to do that to yourself. For men?
Plus I thought they looked ridiculous, and to go under the knife to get there? Why were all these women trying to look alike? We had enough Barbies roaming around, and I took a stand with Pink, making fun of all the “stupid girls.”
Cutting to the chase, I am getting implants next month, thanks to a generous boyfriend obsessed with breasts.
I know, I know but before you send me a million emails trying to change my mind- listen to my reasoning. (Does my thinking make sense to anyone who hasn’t worked in the industry? lol)
Before escorting, I never thought about breast augmentation; it just never occurred to me to do something like that; it seemed absurd. The girls I knew who had it done. Frankly, I teased them brutally.
Sugar Daddy is a better option than being an escort girl in Bangalore.
You would think that escorting made me want to get them more prominent, but the opposite is exact. Most men are stereotyped as obsessed with large breasts, and yes, there are some, but the truth is, the majority like real. Big, small, squishy or not, they prefer the real you. I was always low. It never affected my work as an escort; in fact, I did well. I was me, imperfections and all, and I never had any complaints. I haven’t turned away. Even though I wasn’t the girl in the pictures and my clients, I had independently adored me. They knew who I was. I had more than enough regulars.
No one ever said I should get my boobs done. Sometimes when they were complimenting me, or if I was just curious, I would ask, and the answer was 99% no. Some would even say “No, please please don’t. There is the way to many fake girls out there, you are beautiful now” And on and on. The constant praise and the lifestyle boosted my self-esteem ( about my body anyway). I thought it was hot. Tons of guys are always telling you that will convince you. Rich guys, tough guys, sappy guys, they all told me the same thing. It was hot.
Then I stopped escorting. My boyfriend is super sweet. But he is obsessed with big boobs. At first, I was like- whatever! Look all you want, but after a while, and without the constant reassurance from everyone else, I started to feel like crap. In his business, he has several Huge boobed women that he chose to select for public appearances. He stares at the big boobs everywhere we go. Eventually, it got to me.
The Dangers of Sugar Dating and Sugaring
I went from being the girl everyone wanted to somehow not feeling pretty enough for the one guy I chose to be in company. I’ve never dated a big-boob guy, my ex’s all liked other things, and definitely wouldn’t stare at other women whatever they wanted, so I feel so ugly nowadays. It seems that I went from the spotlight- money, gifts, compliments- to the back of a closet surrounded by women my boyfriend would rather have.
Anyway, that’s my story. I’m going to meet the surgeon next week. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Hopefully, who isn’t working yet? Who is not too caught up in the lifestyle to get out?
If you need the money, and you can manage to escort, then being a Sugarbaby is a way better option than escorting.
For those who don’t understand, a SugarDaddy is usually wealthy, older, and married. They are bored and arrogant. They want to spoil a younger girl. It’s the same as escorting, only safer.
A sugar baby spends time with him, sex is usually there, but it’s also a lot about the company. They want to be around someone fun new and exciting. Of course, you have to look good and be sweet.
That said, I think it is a way better option. Morally, it’s the same as being an escort girl in Bangalore. Don’t let it get taken to a new level because you get to know each other and start to feel bad for his circumstances. He would be doing it another way if a sugar baby wasn’t around.
How much does a sugar daddy pay
A good SugarDaddy will pay you an allowance, usually between 50,000-100,000 INR a month. You agree upon how much time is spent together depending on your schedules. You go shopping, get gifts, have dinners, and of course, have sex. But it’s not a meet at a hotel and gets it on kind of thing, its like fake dating without any of the emotional crap. It’s in business.
My sugar daddy is now my long-term super fabulous boyfriend. We hit it off right away, and a few months in decided to end our “agreement” and start dating. I adore him, and we are fortunate, but I wouldn’t go into an SD/SB agreement expecting to end up dating, it’s not the norm.
Like I said, most of the time, they are married.
If you keep it business, it can work well. You both get what you want and need. There are plenty of SDs out there, so don’t settle for the first one you meet. I interviewed tons of losers before I met a match. You have to connect for it to work out, or you’re going to go nuts.
It can be a lot of fun, but I think the hard part is when feelings come into play, on either side. If it is kept as a business arrangement, it is perfect, and when one starts to cross the line, it can get sticky.
My prior SD was excellent.
Mr Satish Reddy was super creamy, cute, and funny. We got along great, even though he was pretty dull and arrogant towards other people, he was different from me.
My Sugar Daddy made me feel like a Princess
He made me feel like a princess. Which was his job? I helped him have fun and loosen up a little. We had terrific dates, trips, and anything I wanted or mentioned he got, we had a lot of fun together.
Then he started to want more. I didn’t like our arrangement as he wanted more, and it made me uncomfortable because I did care about his feelings. But it just wasn’t an option for me, and so when I would meet with him. He would ask why or talk about different “couple” things. I would get uncomfortable as I couldn’t be my happy fun self knowing I was hurting his feelings. So it had to end.
That’s my SD experience, and yes I met a lot of losers along the way. The cheap ones, the unsafe sex ones, the liars and If they mention sex at all, just like with escorting, walk away.
The nice guys won’t do that.
There is individual behaviour that is understood. I mentioned sex and told them to find escort girls in Bangalore. And walk away and also, it is a business. I would not give out my real name, or anything that could identify me as I wouldn’t do it.
If he is buying a plane ticket, have him send you the money, and you book it. Always keep in mind, that this is not dating, it’s the business of being a high-end female escort in Bangalore. There is a wife somewhere that probably wouldn’t be too nice if she found out. Some guys can be right, but flip when they get angry. Always stay safe, and if you have to consider a job as an escort girl in Bangalore, I would think about finding an SD instead.
How to get a Sugar daddy in Bangalore
There are lots of websites set up just for this. Google Sugar Daddy, or WhatsApp me at # (+91) 9036650572, and I can send you some.
Oh- and not to leave out the guys altogether, be careful when choosing an SD, my boyfriend has some not-so-funny stories about the girls before me. ‘
Bad dates– Naked in the halls and the crack smoker I thought I would share a couple of lousy date memories that come to mind as I may have mentioned some of them previously if so I’m sorry.
Good times and bad times as an Escorts girl in Bangalore
I had a two-girl show with my friend at a lovely hotel. I think this was either the second or third time I went out with her. So was still clueless. We went in and met a lovely guy. He said I could stay (of course). He was married, travelling on business, the usual.
We talked to him for a while and pretended to drink his Beer then proceeded to play a little. My friend and I were now in almost nothing. She batted her eyes and said, “Aren’t you going to take a shower for us?” which was odd, but he did. As soon as he shut the bathroom door, she grabbed everything she could and just said: “Run!”
I was like WTF?! Now I’m almost naked running after her in the hall of a 5-star hotel in Mg Road. She was cracking up; I was scared to death. She ran to the nearest stairwell and tossed me my clothes, dressing as she went down the stairs. I just kept saying we should go back, he’s going to kill us, he’s going to come after us- but she wasn’t worried. She called the driver as we ran down the stairs and he was at the door when we came out still shoeless.
She thought it was the funniest thing ever and I was pissed. I was embarrassed and scared. Her reason was she was bored and wanted to get out of there. I felt terrible for the guy, she had taken his wallet and cell phone, and he was travelling.
Life is a roller-coaster for an escort never lose hope
Looking back, it is kind of funny now, but at the time, I could’ve killed her.
The crack guy
This one is not so funny. I had gone on a call alone. No driver, with the agency as soon as I pulled up to the house. For sure, I had a bad vibe. I trusted the new agency I was pursuing a job as an escort girl in Bangalore. The guy didn’t answer his phone. So I had to try and knock on the door. Except he had a very tall fence and the handle got rusted, so it was tough to open. I couldn’t do it. He came out and let me in.
When I went in, the house was gross and not bachelor unclean gross, more like. Something is not right gross. We small talked a bit. He asked if we could go for a walk to MG Road. He lived next to Ulsoor and as I said yes, thinking it would pass the hour faster. But as soon as we started I got an evil vibe, the hair on my neck was standing up. My head was yelling not to go, and so I told him it was too cold.
He was acting strange, not nervous like a newbie, but nervous like he was trying to get away with something as we went back into the house. Usually, there was an original order of things, small talk, money, change and check-in, and then whatever but he wouldn’t shut up as he was going a mile a minute.
Trouble on my Job as an escort
So when I missed my check-in call with the agency Gfe Bangalore. She called of course as she said to call back after I get settled again,
I couldn’t because he was pacing and talking nonstop. As I tried to go use the bathroom to call my agency, but there was no door on the toilet. There were no doors at all, only to come in.
I was screwed. The client lights up a cracked pipe that looks like the thing. Anyway, I don’t do drugs, but this was something that I had seen in movies, and it stinks, and I got freaked as I had met guys with prescriptions a lot.
As I never liked those conditions, but usually, they were older businessmen who offered a line that I declined and never saw, this was different. I told him I had to call in so he wouldn’t freak if he saw me on the phone as I whispered to my agency Gfe Bangalore to get me out of there as soon as possible because he was smoking Ganja the weed as they call it in the western world.
Moreover, I was afraid either he would flip, or that I would get high off of the fumes (if that’s possible) She said to make the best of it, there was nothing she could do. What? WTF am I giving you half of my money for then? The other agencies always tried something to help, but she was like- sorry, you’re on your own.
And so I brainstormed while this crackhead paced around talking in riddles blaring porn on his tv, looking at me like he just got out of prison and telling me all the nasty things he plans to do to me.
Now I quit my job as an escort girl in Bangalore.
There is no backdoor. There’s only the gate, and the mind goes into survival mode, and no I wasn’t in immediate danger, but I certainly wasn’t going to wait around for the client to do any of the things he was talking about.
I told him I needed to get an outfit out of my car. As I told him how much fun we were going to have and he better be ready and blah blah blah. I calmly smiled and walked out slowly, and I fought that fence latch as hard as I could, when I got to the car, I was shaking so hard I could hardly get the key in. Scared for sure I am. I thought for sure he would jump in a car and follow me. Shoot at me or something. But he didn’t. I got out.
As of now I did cave and went a few months ago. I quit my job as an escort girl in Bangalore.
Let me explain why
I decided to see someone because I was going mental, wanting to work, knowing it was a wrong choice, blah blah blah.
And so, I found someone who had experience working with girls like me.
Very well-trained lady. She was an older woman, very kind; she made me feel very comfortable. Well, as healthy as I could get in a situation, I suppose.
I answered all of the questions on my Job as an escort girl in Bangalore.
The first couple of times I met with her were excellent and very casual. I hated knowing she was letting me warm up; As I hate the obvious if that makes sense to anyone. I could see and tell them what she was doing and why.
Then she began to inquire about my past and my insane family and my absent father, my childhood rapist, why I cut ties with everyone related to me and then relationships, the abuse, and the one who left me pregnant.
The issue was that I was too matter-of-fact for her liking. She said I seemed void of emotion, discussing such “tragedies.” Well, okay, but that’s me. It’s in the past. I don’t see any point in crying and feeling like crap now. What good does that do? She said I was a boiling pot with the cover on, and eventually, the emotions would boil. Okay, I can see the analogy, but I thought it was lame.
I told her I preferred not to dwell on my past; I see no good that can come of it as I prefer to live in the present. So she agreed to put the past off for a while. We began to talk about my current boyfriend.
She did not like him, well not so much him as “us.” I guess because I had met him as a sugar daddy. He wasn’t yet divorced. She didn’t think it was good.
The story of getting involved with the wrong person in this business of escort girls in Bangalore.
The devastation that followed.
I tried to make her understand. That was because of him that I quit escorting. I loved him very much, and everything was good, but she didn’t buy it.
She thought he was controlling, based on our situation, and she said we don’t do what good couples do ( talk about kids, marriage, joint money stuff- that kind of thing) She said we were very separate people, more like roommates. I could see why, but he was everything to me, so I didn’t want to hear it.
I just wanted her to tell me if I should go back to being a high-end female escort in Bangalore or not. But she wouldn’t.
She told me my childhood rape had set me on a course to escorting and empty relationships. She said until I let out all the grossness of my childhood that I would stay on the path.
It was bullshit– I do not like being labelled, and on a path, yes my relationships have sucked, but being a Bangalore escort was always there, it was a last resort.
I finally just stopped showing up as I felt terrible, I wanted to go, but I didn’t want to hear any more about my boyfriend, or my past. I just wanted her to say it was morally okay to work if I had to, and she refused to say one way or the other. She said she legally couldn’t. That was a cop-out to me.
I am not composed as an escort girl in Bangalore
It was freeing to be able to talk about being an escort girl in Bangalore. Maybe with someone who seemed to understand. While I could, she didn’t look at me with judgment or lecture me. As she said, she was proud of me for being so strong. She said she had never met anyone who had been through as much as I had.,
Who could still sit calmly and smile as she was dumbfounded? She said, with how I kept myself together to her amazement that my personality was flattering at first. I was proud. I said damn! That’s right, look at me and what I’ve been through, and I overcame, but that lasted about 5 minutes, and while I was driving home, I started to feel bad.
I started to think of how unfair life has been, and what I have been through in the job as a high-class female escort in Bangalore is horrible, and maybe I’m not as composed as I want to pretend I am.
I think that’s where she was trying to get me to go- Maybe I shouldn’t have quit my job as an escort girl in Bangalore. And now I have to wonder smile.
Rule number one for Escorts girls in Bangalore – Never get personal with a client
She always said if she writes a book. She would have to include my story, let’s see, maybe she will write the ending for me.
For sure, I have had inferior choices in men in the past; I fully admit that. I am in a relationship now, but that’s what this post is all about. (I’ll write about him when I can confirm he hasn’t found this Site Gfe Bangalore yet) I wanted to share with you the story.
He came in as a client. He was cute and charming, but so were a lot of them and I didn’t think much about it.
I was all set with men and dating anyway. I liked being single and wasn’t looking to change that.
Anyway, he comes in again and makes a big fuss about how he couldn’t wait to come back how much he liked me and on and on.
He showed me pictures of his kids and told me he was in the military. For some reason, my friend liked him. Her number one rule is never to date a client. You didn’t do it, but she persuaded us to hang out sometime.
Now there had been much more helpful, much more abundant, much better men that had asked me out, and it was always just “No” -so why I was dumb enough this night is one of those things I’ll never figure out.
His persistence, her encouragement, and I guess my low self-esteem and isolation were the mixture that let him into my world.
Rule Number Two for Escorts girls in Bangalore – Never date a client
Huge mistake
A few weeks he quits his job. My friend then let him play bodyguard for a while, but she felt something is not right about him. The other bodyguard agrees.
They eventually banned him, and a few weeks later, my friend and I fought, and I cut ties with her.
Now it was just him and I. It was strange, but it seemed to work. He would drive and protect me; I would pay him. We were dating, so it was weird to me that he was okay with this, but he was. Over time I learned the darker side. As he wasn’t just helping me. Mostly he was obsessed with the lifestyle. He convinced me to close my business.
I was so tired at that point. I was never sleeping, and working crazy hours. He was the only person I talked to. So I agreed. He pointed out that I can make in a day what I made in a week of business. Yes, he was right, but that was mistake #1.
The tragedy hit me as I dated my Client
Once I closed the business, he wanted me to work more. When I was tired and didn’t feel like it, he would talk me into it. He would do all the driving and safety he said, all I had to do was the show. Easier said than done.
I ended up having to move and had been planning for years to move across the country. I had always wanted to move there, and here the guy was willing to go with me. It seemed like a good idea.
Once we moved, I never considered him a pimp at the time. And in a way, he wasn’t. But he was as close as you could get and he went from saying I should work more- to you have too -we need the money. He loved having me as a trophy. I always had to look perfect, even when I wasn’t working as he became obsessed with sex, he still was. But I saw it now he wanted monitors so he could listen in to the sessions as it turned him on.
He would ask for graphic details. Always wanted to know more, and he fantasized about men being rough with me. He told me how much he liked to imagine this or that and wanted to be able to hear it.
I was disgusted with my job as an escort girl in Bangalore.
Even my clients who knew I had a boyfriend couldn’t imagine how he could let me do that kind of work. If they only knew and the worst part is he wanted sex before and after each client. He always wanted sex. I would give in because he was so overpowering. Strongly he would insist until I gave in, or start a fight. Most of the time, he would always make it clear that he would tell the kids. What I was doing for a living as an escort girl in Bangalore during a fight, So as strong-minded as I was- he had me where he wanted me.
He masturbated listening to sessions- It was gross. Then I came to the party. He insisted that I accompany him because single guys couldn’t get in alone. I went, but I hated it.
So he would go in and do whatever with whomever. I was the ice princess who made it very clear that if anyone touched me, I would freak out.
I didn’t think it could get much worse as he was fiercely jealous of my upscale clients as he would prefer that I see 5 “normal priced” clients instead of select wealthy ones that he decided paid too much attention to me.
He was obsessive, never more than a few feet away from me except when I was working. He would even stand outside the bathroom at home.
When we argued he would threaten to kill me or tell everyone what I was doing for a living as a high-class female escort in Bangalore.
He knew I needed him, for help, for protection. Brilliantly he used that to get what he wanted. Money, clothes, whatever the guy wanted he got.
The climax of my story as an Escorts girl in Bangalore
I was stuck with no family to call, and no friends nearby. Both across the country from anything as I knew I needed help. So I called an old friend who convinced me I had to leave him, and she sent her male friend down to help that happen.
I thought it would be okay once he was gone. As I imagined my children and me in this beautiful place, restarting my business. I am leaving the job of being an escort girl in Bangalore. I had several upscale clients that I had confided in, and they offered to help me financially so that I could return to normal.
It was my lifelong dream. Moreover, I had worked for years to get to this location. I had found the perfect house, the ideal community.
And then the consequences of meeting him came flooding in. Once I ended it with him, the war was on in his eyes. Ultimately I lost my home, and my children. I had to move back across the country to get them back.
He broke into my bank account and stole a ton of money. I cancelled my flights back and forth and dared to call everyone I had ever known and told them what I did, and where I was. He also told me not to sleep because he would always find me.
He would call and tell me the pyjamas I had been wearing. So I would know he had been outside the windows. It was just insane. He told the children’s fathers what I was doing as an escort girl in Bangalore. I then lied to make it all seem horrible.
I paid the price for rendezvousing and befriending my client
They took me to court and ordered to move back, and I later told me that he planned to remove the kids, and he would have me to himself. And I would never, ever choose a man over, my children and I had to pack as much of my things as I could, to move back and regain custody of my children.
Lastly, I believe that whatever piece of soul I had left got killed that day. I flew back to my dream home. The moment I just collapsed. Moreover, I remember I just crumpled into a ball and sobbed harder than I ever knew possible as everything I had worked for, everything I had done, it all hit my friend and carried me into the house, where I lay sobbing for two days while they packed my things into a cab. Sadly, I could not cry hard enough as it seemed to ease the hurt, and then they picked me back up and put me on a plane to return home.
For sure I had nothing. I had no home, no kids, and an INR 75,00,0000 legal battle ahead to get them back.
Pretty glamorous, huh?
As I also didn’t have a job as I quit my career as a high-class female escort in Bangalore, and so guess where I had to go, completely alone now.
I don’t write on this Site Gfe Bangalore to play the victim, or somehow justify my choices to myself as I write this in the hopes that ONE PERSON may read this and get out, or never start this kind of work of being a high-class female escort in Bangalore. It’s not worth it.
With Unfeigned Regards,
Ambika and I live in Ulsoor